Join us as we celebrate
our risen Savior on

April 20th 
7 am // 9am // 10:30am


to Celebrate EASTER at First Baptist Gulfport!

What to Expect

You might have some questions about our church and campuses.
Here are a few things you might expect on Easter Sunday:

Inspiring Message

Come hear a relevant and inspirational message that will help you to live each day in a way that's full of HOPE and PURPOSE!

Family Memories

Excited to get that Easter family picture? We will have a beautiful flowering cross placed outside the entrance so you can get that FREE family Easter shot!

Powerful Music

You will experience a room full of anticipation and passionate worship as we praise God for the grace and mercy of our Risen King!


Amplify Hope this Holy Week with a Cross in your yard or on your front door.
Let your neighbors know your faith is in Jesus and His atoning work on the cross.

Take your picture with your cross and post it to your Facebook or Instagram pages with this hashtag: #CrossTheCoast. You can also tag our Facebook or Instagram account (@firstbaptistgulfport), and we will highlight your photos to members and guests!!!

Invite your neighbors to join us LIVE ONLINE for Palm Sunday and Easter morning worship!
If you need help with your cross or want to claim a yard sign, call the church office at (228)831-3400.

Annie Armstrong 
Easter Offering

The need and costs to do missions work in North America have never been greater. But God is doing amazing things through the nearly 3,000 missionaries we support through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.

Since 2010, Southern Baptist missionaries have planted more than 10,000 churches across North America!

Join in the work that God is doing around the world by giving to reach our $12,750 Annie Armstrong offering goal!

The Hope of the Cross

Join us on Palm Sunday, April 10 | 10:30am

On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the coming of the King and the HOPE that He represents, a hope that cannot be defeated. His sacrificial death means a hope that gives you power for today and a confidence for tomorrow. That hope is Jesus Christ.

SPRING FEST | 4:30-6:30pm 
INVITE YOUR PEEPS to come back from 4:30-6:30PM  for a huge egg hunt, bounce houses, a rock wall, a bulldog ride, and even a kickball tournament! We will also have dinner on the grounds featuring 3 food trucks (including Sno-Boogers!) with food available for purchase!

The Hope of the Resurrection

Join us on Easter Sunday, April 17 | 10:30am

At Easter, we celebrate that just when it seemed like Jesus’ life was over, he defied every odd and rose from the dead. If Jesus can conquer death, the worst thing that can happen to us, then this should reshape what we put our hope in. As we begin to see things from God’s perspective, he will rewrite our story with a new hope and a new future.

Holy Week Devotionals

Follow along with the final week of Jesus' life - also known as Holy Week - with daily devotionals sent to your e-mail inbox.

You can also follow along on our social media channels each day.

Ways to Share

Download Easter social media invites 
to post on your accounts!

Test Drive a Service:

Listen to a worship service and a sermon by Pastor Jimmy to get a feel of what service will be like when you attend.

How to Reach Us:

ADDRESS: 12190 Highway 605 Gulfport, MS 39503
PHONE: (228)831-3400
Palm Sunday SERVICE TIMES: 9 am // 10:30am
Easter SERVICE TIMES: 7am // 9am // 10:30am

'And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory.'

2 Corinthians 4:15b