Stay "In the Loop" with
First Baptist Gulfport.

Coming Up at FBG:

Sunday, January 12th - Sunday, January 19th

Coming Up Next!

Here are some brief summaries of what's happening around First Baptist Gulfport in the coming days!

Christian Life + Witness Course 
Friday, January 17th - Saturday, January 18th

Next January 17-18, our church will be hosting the Christian Life + Witness Course, a weekend set aside to deepen your faith in Christ and to learn practical ways to point others to Him during this engaging evangelism seminar developed by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

This event is open to ALL 13+ with registration available for individuals/families right here!

Disciple Now Weekend
Friday, February 14th - Saturday, February 16th

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
–Colossians 3:1-3

There is a movement happening among the people of God.
Come and be a part of it at Disciple Now Weekend 2025 at FBC Biloxi, this February 14-16th! > Register your 7th - 12th Grader ASAP!

Grief Share
Beginning Wednesday, January 29th 

You aren’t alone in your feelings of loss and grief.  GriefShare is a community-based grief recovery group that brings people together in community that have experienced great loss.

Together through Grief Share, we'll use these 13 sessions to learn how to better cope with our grief in a safe community utilizing Christian principles. > Pre-register today by visiting this link!

Download Our App

> Use our church app to watch services, give online and view your giving history, take sermon notes, discover and sign up for upcoming events, view our weekly In the Loop digital bulletin, access church member resources like Groups and Forms (via CCB), and so much more!

> Download on your Apple device! Temporarily unavailable for devices with Google Play.

Don't miss this...

Tap the photos below to learn more about each upcoming ministry need or event.

Wednesday Night ReFuel

Wednesdays | 5:15 - 7:15pm

Often, we find ourselves slowly losing our spiritual "fuel" from Sunday-to-Sunday, getting caught up in the busy-ness and pressure of our daily lives and responsibilities and neglecting to look to Christ for our purpose and motivation.

This Spring, we want to intentionally interrupt that tendency with an invigorating rhythm for the whole family: Wednesday Night ReFuel!

Today's Sermon

"Everyone Who Asks, Receives (Matthew 7:7) Dr. Jimmy Stewart"

Watch the Most Recent Message:

Missions Moment

September 2024

Read more about how the members of our Missions Committee are leading First Baptist Gulfport in developing missions ministries and serving as a liaison with any operating missions sponsored by the church. 

Start the day with Dr. Jimmy

From Monday - Wednesday, get some HOPE4TODAY on Facebook Live at 7:07am! Dr. Jimmy Stewart goes live with a devotional each of those mornings to help you start your day off with some HOPE!