These communities come in all shapes and sizes to ensure you have an opportunity
to share life and to connect with others while growing deeper in your faith.
Check out the categories listed below to find out which times and locations to add to your calendar.
to share life and to connect with others while growing deeper in your faith.
Check out the categories listed below to find out which times and locations to add to your calendar.

We have numerous Adult groups available that help us gather together for various fellowship opportunities, activities, and outreach opportunities. Adults are those who are: single, married, married with children, empty nesters, and every stage of life.

Young Adults
Whether you're starting your first job, in college, starting a family, or making a transition in your life, become part of a group that values spiritual growth while building friendships that will last a lifetime.

Senior Adults
Our Senior Adult Groups at First Baptist Gulfport bring people 55 years (and better) together for various fellowship opportunities, activities, and outreach opportunities. Senior Adults are those who are: still working, approaching retirement, retired, single, or married.

Just as iron sharpens iron, we believe men need each other to challenge, equip, and encourage one another to follow God and live life well. Regardless of age or background, from businessmen to outdoorsmen, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in our men's ministry.

First Baptist Gulfport women's ministry aims to welcome women with open arms, connect them to God and others, equip them to live out God’s purpose for their lives, and send them out to share Christ’s love with their communities and the world. Whether single, married, a mom or an empty-nester—we believe women need to share life and laughter as they grow in their faith.