Man Church
Annual Outreach Event
These nights are all about experiencing the freedom and power available to us when we fix our eyes on Christ. These events are for men of all ages, so come worship with us, and learn about the many ways that you can engage with God as men of Christ. When the men of God care about the heart and the things of God, they become unstoppable.
Father Son Retreat
We know that the most important thing a father can give to his children is time, and the Father Son Retreat provides a great environment for dads to spend uninterrupted time with their sons. Dads will be encouraged to become spiritual leaders and to help their children live God-centered lives in an adventuring, outdoor environment.

Semi-Annual Prayer Breakfasts
This is a wonderful time of fellowship for the men of our church to pray WITH each other and FOR each other.
Stay tuned - the next applicable date will be posted once it's on the calendar!
Stay tuned - the next applicable date will be posted once it's on the calendar!