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She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Next Up:

ImpACT Project

Fall 2024

In August & September, the Women's Ministry will be collecting HYGIENE PRODUCTS for our friends at Gulf Coast Community Ministries!

Please drop your donated items off in the WAGONS at all of our church entrances!

Annual Events

Baskets of Love

Annual in the Fall
This is a women's night out where we pack "Baskets of Love" for community shut-ins, weave prayer blankets together, and have a potluck-style meal! Every year is such a joy, and we love for all of the ladies at the church to participate. It's a great chance to fellowship with FBG women of all ages and stages of life.

2024 Date: November 19th 

Book Club

Our monthly women's ministry book club  is an opportunity to dig deeper into Scripture and share life with other sisters in Christ over Scripture and how it intersects with Christian books. It is a wonderful opportunity to grow closer to each other, share insight with one another,  and spend devoted time together in conversation.
September 12 | 6pm
Discussing Sons of Encouragement: The Priest (Aaron)

His courage covered his brother’s fear.
His sacrifices atoned for the people’s sin.
His voice carried the words of God.

Moses parted the Red Sea. But in his shadow stood Aaron, a man who symbolizes forever our great High Priest. Be challenged by this faithful man whose story we must never forget.

The Priest is the story of Aaron and book one in the popular Sons of Encouragement series about five men who quietly changed eternity.
October 10 | 6pm
Discussing The Warrior: Caleb (Sons of Encouragement Book 2)

A man of fire, whose words stirred men’s hearts.
A man of action, whose courage saved men’s lives.
A man of faith, whose passion drove him to God.

Joshua succeeded Moses as the nation’s leader. But it was Caleb’s zeal that pushed the people to put their faith into action. Be challenged by this faithful man whose story we must never forget.

The Warrior is the story of Caleb and book two in the popular Sons of Encouragement series about five men who quietly changed eternity.
November 14th | 6pm
Discussing The Prince: Jonathan (Sons of Encouragement Book 3)

His zeal carried him into battle
His faithfulness won him honor among his people
His humility led him into friendship with the man who would become king in his place

David was a man after God’s own heart. But it was the courage and selflessness of his best friend Jonathan that opened the door to David’s rule. A man of honor and deep faith.

The Prince is the story of Jonathan and book three in the popular Sons of Encouragement series about five men who quietly changed eternity.

Women's Brunch/Retreat

These events are times that we set aside in the Spring to engage in each other's lives and grow in Christ together. We usually alternate between a women's brunch and a women's retreat, depending on the year, so stay tuned for further details!