Each Sunday, First Baptist Gulfport gathers for corporate worship
on campus at 10:30am only.
*Mask usage is required in the building while local mandates are in place.
Before you come on campus...
Ask the following questions on behalf of your entire group before you enter the campus for a Life Group or Worship Service:
Am I showing any flu-like symptoms?
Have I had a fever of 100.4 or higher in the past 14 days?
Have I had more than 15 minutes of cumulative exposure in a 24 hour period to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
Is there any medical reason why I shouldn’t be around others?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, we strongly encourage you to attend worship online for several more weeks.
Attending Worship
If you answered NO to the above questions for each person in your group and you’re ready to join us for in-person worship, keep reading for all the information you'll need to Love Your Neighbors at FBG and across the Coast well!
Attending Worship
If you answered NO to the above questions for each person in your group and you’re ready to join us for in-person worship, keep reading for all the information you'll need to Love Your Neighbors at FBG and across the Coast well!